Motor Vehicle Accident FAQs

FAQs: What To Know After A Crash

Being in a car accident can be extremely scary. Dealing with injuries, vehicle damage and insurance claims are enough to make anyone’s head spin. At Hobbie & DeCarlo, P.C., in Monmouth County, we understand that knowing what to expect and what actions you should take may help to alleviate some of the stress.

Here are answers to some common questions many people in Eatontown have about car accidents. You may find additional information on our car accidents page.

Q. Do I Need to Call 911?

A: Alerting the authorities as soon as possible is important for two reasons. If the accident involves property damage that exceeds $500, a police report is required. Your insurance company may also require a police report in order to file a claim. A police officer is a neutral party who can document the scene, describe the facts and interview witnesses. Having accurate information can go a long way in terms of determining fault.

In addition, it is not always easy to tell right away how serious a crash may be. If you have an injury such as whiplash or damage to your internal organs, symptoms may not manifest immediately. A first responder can deal with any apparent injuries and transport you to the emergency room, if necessary.

Q. Whose Insurance Covers the Accident?

A: If the other person is at fault for the crash, his or her insurance should cover any damage to your vehicle and you will only be responsible for paying your deductible. In New Jersey, if you are found to be partially liable for the accident, the other person’s insurance will cover his or her proportional share.

If you are injured and incur medical bills or are unable to work, your own insurance should provide coverage. However, costs that exceed that threshold, such as injuries that are permanent or damages due to your pain and suffering, can only be recouped by filing a lawsuit. At Hobbie & DeCarlo, P.C., we fight vigorously on behalf of our clients to get them the compensation to which they are entitled. We can even help if the other driver was uninsured.

Q. Do I Need A Lawyer?

A: Most people do not realize that they need a lawyer until they find themselves fighting with an insurance company over compensation. The truth is that hiring a lawyer will never hurt you, but you could stand to lose a lot if you don’t. Our role as lawyers is to advocate for your best interests and help you maximize your recovery.

Q. Is There a Statute of Limitations?

A: Yes, there are time limits as to when a personal injury lawsuit may be filed. Therefore, it is important to consult with an experienced attorney as soon as possible. Your lawyer can handle all communications and negotiations on your behalf so that your focus can be on your recovery.

We Represent the Injured

Contact us to schedule a free initial consultation by filling out the form on our website. You can also call us at 732-380-1515. or